Job Announcement

One position: Community Facilitator (CF)

Contact Detail #437, Group #7, Sre Ambel village/commune/district, Koh Kong

Contact Name

Mr. Tith SAMOL(Administrator), Phone (097 743 9718 / 016 439 718), Email: and CC to:;

Announcement Description

About the Program: Morodok is a local NGO based in Sre Ambel district, Koh Kong province.  Morodok’s mission is “to improve living conditions, strengthen solidarity and create ownership for the poor people in the coastal communities of Cambodia through building their capacity, supporting their initiatives and facilitating dialogue between relevant actors.”

Community Facilitator (CF)

The Community Facilitator is a full-time staff, works under supervision of Morodok’s Program Manager to liaise with local authority, local partners and community groups in the target districts to facilitate the integrated implementation of all projects. She/he will take overall management responsibility for monthly planning, budgeting, monitoring, and reporting on the progress of projects related to capacity building CBO-NREM networks, business networks, Community Revolving Fund, Community Based Ecotourism (CBET) and youth self-help groups.  The complete job description is attached.

Salary range:  Starts $452 (Grade E, Step6) depending on level of experience and previous salary history, increasing 5% per year upon satisfactory performance.


At least 5 years’ experience in community development, including facilitate communities’ groups’ meetings, activity planning, monitoring and reporting. Proven read and write in both English and Khmer (including computer). Proven commitment to teamwork and to working effectively with rural communities in a remote area.

Application Information

The applicants should send their application via email before the closing date and contain:

  • Cover Letter explaining the ways in which the applicant meets the required qualifications stated above.
  • Curriculum Vitae of the applicants, including list of previous employees who may act as referees.

Morodok is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and people who live in Morodok’s target areas.  Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for online interview.

For more detail of Job Description (khmer version): 24-JD-CF-Review (25-05-24)-A

Closing Date: Friday, 2024-June-21


Consultant to conduct Baseline Data Assessment in 2023 for BfdW supported project.

Announcement Description

About the Program: Morodok is a local NGO based in Sre Ambel district, Koh Kong province.  Morodok’s mission is “to improve living conditions, strengthen solidarity and create ownership for the poor people in the coastal communities of Cambodia through building their capacity, supporting their initiatives and facilitating dialogue between relevant actors.”

Announcement Position

The Consultant will work under the overall direction of the Executive Director, and in close collaboration with the Program Manager and Program Assistant who are responsible for M&E in the project, and 6 field staff who may be assigned to assist in the collection of data. Besides this, the Consultant will communicate with a part-time Adviser, based in Phnom Penh, may also be consulted on technical aspects. Before visiting Sre Ambel, the Consultant is expected to review the background materials and discuss the assignment over Zoom with the Executive Director, Adviser, and Program Manager. The Baseline Assessment will be conducted through:

  1. Desk study, review of the TOR and other background materials;
  2. Prepare staff for conducting the household survey and data collection;
  3. Conduct the household survey and data collection together with staff;
  4. On final day of the field work, prepare a presentation of the data in Khmer in the morning and conduct a half-day workshop with staff in the afternoon to review the results;
  5. Producing the baseline report in English, including Executive Summary in English and Khmer.

After the baseline assessment, staff are expected to understand and feel confident to monitor and report on the progress of the project, and generate the monitoring data into Kobo toolbox.

The Consultant should prepare to conduct the assessment in the second week of June (starting from 12 to 16 June,2023). An estimated additional 1.5 days preparation and 2.5 days report writing may also be needed.  The final draft of the report should be submitted by 26 June 2023. The Consultant will work on location in Sre Ambel, and will be provided office space, materials, and transport to and from the target project areas. Morodok will provided office space, meeting room and materials such as marker, flip chart, LCD, etc.


The Consultant should have: proven experience in conducting quantitative baseline assessments; familiarity with KoboToolbox or similar data collection tools; technical knowledge related to community revolving funds, rural livelihoods, natural resources management, disaster risk management and climate adaptation; competent writing skills in English; and fluency in Khmer, written and spoken.

Application Information

The applicants should send their application via email before the closing date and contain:

  • Cover Letter explaining the ways in which the applicant meets the required qualifications stated above.
  • Curriculum Vitae of the applicants, including list of previous employees who may act as referees.
  • Proposal including schedule, methods, and proposed service fee. The fee should be itemised and include daily rate, number of days, travel to/from Sre Ambel, accommodation and food per diem, and relevant taxes.  Morodok will cover the cost of travel in the project area, meetings and workshops

Morodok is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and people who live in Morodok’s target areas.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for online interview.

Please to TOR Morodok BfdW Baseline Assessment

Closing Date: Thursday, 2023-June-01



Consultant to conduct training and develop project proposal

Contact Detail: # 437, Group # 7, Sre Ambel village/commune/district, Koh Kong

Contact Name: Mr. Oung Tivea

Phone: 097 9196172/093 352 998

Email: and cc:;


Announcement Description

About the Program: Morodok is a local NGO based in Sre Ambel district, Koh Kong province.  Morodok’s mission is “to improve living conditions, strengthen solidarity and create ownership for the poor people in the coastal communities of Cambodia through building their capacity, supporting their initiatives and facilitating dialogue between relevant actors.”

Announcement Position


The consultant will train, facilitate and coordinate Morodok program staff to develop new project proposal through:

  1. Desk study, review of the TOR and other background materials, and prepare for the training.
  2. Facilitating discussion among staff in the form of a training workshop on development of a new project proposal for WWF for the period July 2023-December 2025. The project proposal should be in line with the existing Morodok Strategic Plan 2023-2028.
  3. Producing a project proposal in English (key information should be translated into Khmer).

The final responsibility for editing the project proposal lies with Morodok’s Adviser, Executive Director and Program Manager. However, the major inputs for the project proposal will come from the staff with guidance from this consultancy.

After the training, staff are expected to understand and feel confident to develop output, outcome, and impact indicators and means of verification of the indicators, and feel confident to use Kobo toolbox.

The Consultant should prepare to conduct the training in the fourth week of May (22-26 May,2023) at the Morodok office located in Srae Ambel town. Morodok will provided office space, meeting room and materials such as marker, flip chart, LCD, etc.

The total fee should not exceed USD 2,400, including withholding tax or VAT.


The consultant’s offer should contain:

  • Cover letter explaining the ways in which the consultant meets the required qualifications stated above.
  • Curriculum Vitae of the Consultant.
  • Proposal including schedule, methods, and proposed fee. The fee should be itemised and include daily rate, number of days, travel to/from Srae Ambel, accommodation and food per diem, and relevant taxes. Morodok will cover the cost of meetings’ venue, snack and workshops’ materials.

Application Information

The applicants should send their application via email before the closing date and contain:

  • Cover Letter explaining the ways in which the applicant meets the required qualifications stated above.
  • Curriculum Vitae of the applicants, including list of previous employees who may act as referees.

Morodok is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and people who live in Morodok’s target areas.

The Complete ToR is attached

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for online interview.

Finance and Admin Manager (FAM)

Closing Date: Fri, 2023-April-30

Announcement Description

About the Program: Morodok is a local NGO based in Sre Ambel district, Koh Kong province.  Morodok’s mission is “to improve living conditions, strengthen solidarity and create ownership for the poor people in the coastal communities of Cambodia through building their capacity, supporting their initiatives and facilitating dialogue between relevant actors.”

The Finance & Admin Manager is responsible for managing accounting, human resources, and office-logistic administrative tasks and supervising admin/finance staff.  The admin/finance staff currently include 1 accounting officer, 2 admin support staff (also responsible for guarding & driving), and one cleaner.

The complete job description is attached.

Salary range: “Starts from $673 to $818 (Grade G, Step 1 to 6) depending on level of experience and previous salary history, increasing 5% per year upon satisfactory performance.


Main duty are: 1. Tertiary qualification in accounting; 2. At least 5 years’ experience in admin/finance work for a non-profit organization, including use of QuickBooks; 3. Able to multitask and meet deadlines, while maintaining accuracy and neatness; 4. Proficient in Khmer and English speaking and writing; 5. Willingness to take up a long-term appointment in Srae Ambel, Koh Kong.

Application Information

The Candidates’ application should be sent via email before the closing date and contain:

  • Cover letter explaining the ways in which the Candidate meets the required qualifications stated above.
  • Curriculum Vitae of the Candidate, including list of previous employees who may act as referees.

Morodok is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and people who live in Morodok’s target areas.  Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Job Announcement

Contact Detail

# 437, Group # 7, Sre Ambel village/ commune/district, Koh Kong Contact Name: Mr. Oung Tivea
Website: Email: 

Phone: 097 9196172/093 352 998

Closing Date: Fri, 2022-jul-15  

Two positions: Program Manager and Community Facilitator

Announcement Description

About the Program: Morodok is a local NGO based in Sre Ambel district, Koh Kong province.  Morodok’s mission is “to improve living conditions, strengthen solidarity and create ownership for the poor people in the coastal communities of Cambodia through building their capacity, supporting their initiatives and facilitating dialogue between relevant actors.”

1-Program Manager (PM)

The Program Manager is senior management staff responsible for oversees 7 project staff (1 Program Assistant, 4 Community Facilitators and 2 Field Assistant) to coordinate budgeting, action planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the progress of projects. The Program Manager works under the supervision of Morodok’s Executive Director, liaises with local authorities, local partners and community groups in the target districts, and facilitates the integrated implementation of all projects.

The complete job description is attached 

Salary range:  Starts from $947 to $1,044 (Grade G, Step 1 to 3) depending on level of experience and previous salary history, increasing 5% per year upon satisfactory performance.


At least 5 years’ experience in rural development work in fields of Food security/Livelihoods, Natural Resources Management Climate Change and Disaster Management. Proven senior management experiences, including project planning, proposal writing, monitoring & evaluation and reporting. A university degree in a relevant field; fluency in both English and Khmer. Proven commitment to teamwork (including leadership and staff management) and willing to work effectively with rural communities in a remote area. Willingness to take up a long-term appointment in Srae Ambel, Koh Kong.

2-Community Facilitator (CF)

The Community Facilitator is a full-time staff, works under supervision of Morodok’s Executive Director to liaise with local authority, local partners and community groups in the target districts to facilitate the integrated implementation of all projects. She/he will take overall management responsibility for monthly planning, budgeting, monitoring, and reporting on the progress of projects related to capacity building CBO-NREM networks, business networks, Community Revolving Fund, Community Based Ecotourism (CBET) and youth self-help groups.

The complete job Description is attached

Salary range:  Starts $410 (Grade E, Step 3) depending on level of experience and previous salary history, increasing 5% per year upon satisfactory performance.


At least 3 years’ experience in community development, including facilitate communities’ groups’ meetings, activity planning, monitoring and reporting. Proven read and write in both English and Khmer (including computer). Proven commitment to teamwork and to working effectively with rural communities in a remote area. Willingness to take up a long-term appointment in Srae Ambel, Koh Kong.

Application Information

The applicants should send their application via email before the closing date and contain:

  • Cover Letter explaining the ways in which the applicant meets the required qualifications stated above.
  • Curriculum Vitae of the applicants, including list of previous employees who may act as referees.

Morodok is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and people who live in Morodok’s target areas.  Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for online interview.

Attachments: [JD PM&CF (15-06-22).docx;